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Job Listings
Type any part of the Job Title, Job Type, or Job Location to Search
Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
Health/Physical Education Teacher02/02/2025LicensedThomasville High SchoolApply
Part Time Orientation & Mobility Specialist01/31/2025Exceptional ChildrenExceptional Children's DepartmentApply
Exceptional Children Behavioral Liaison01/24/2025LicensedExceptional Children's DepartmentApply
Health Science Teacher01/21/2025LicensedThomasville High SchoolApply
School Nutrition Maintenance/Custodian01/16/2025ClassifiedSchool NutritionApply
Biology Teacher01/16/2025LicensedThomasville High SchoolApply
English Teacher01/16/2025LicensedThomasville High SchoolApply
Elementary Teacher01/07/2025LicensedThomasville Primary SchoolApply
English as a Second Language (ESL) Teacher12/20/2024LicensedLiberty Drive Elementary SchoolApply
Part Time ESL Teacher TMS12/19/2024LicensedThomasville Middle SchoolApply
School Counselor12/05/2024LicensedThomasville Primary SchoolApply
Bus Driver11/18/2024Bus DriverTransportationApply
School Counselor10/26/2024LicensedLiberty Drive Elementary SchoolApply
Middle School Math Teacher10/18/2024LicensedThomasville Middle SchoolApply
Social Studies Teacher10/15/2024LicensedThomasville Middle SchoolApply
Exceptional Children Teacher - Inclusion10/08/2024Exceptional ChildrenThomasville High SchoolApply
Behavior Support Specialist10/06/2024Exceptional ChildrenExceptional Children's DepartmentApply
MIDDLE SCHOOL ELA TEACHER_TCS09/20/2024LicensedThomasville Middle SchoolApply
Health/Physical Education Teacher09/18/2024LicensedThomasville High SchoolApply
2024-2025 TMS Head Wrestling Coach08/10/2024CoachingCoachingApply
2024-2025 TMS Head Baseball Coach08/09/2024CoachingThomasville Middle SchoolApply
Exceptional Children Teacher07/26/2024Exceptional ChildrenThomasville Middle SchoolApply
Part Time Visually Impaired Teacher07/23/2024LicensedThomasville City Schools- Multiple SchoolsApply
SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST07/23/2024Exceptional ChildrenExceptional Children's DepartmentApply
Exceptional Children Teacher-Cross Categorical07/23/2024Exceptional ChildrenThomasville Primary SchoolApply
Part Time Physical Therapist07/21/2024Exceptional ChildrenExceptional Children's DepartmentApply